The Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh that is Mr. Jaganmohan Reddy has come out with another scheme for the welfare of the residents of Andhra Pradesh. The scheme is known as the YSR Navasakam scheme. Today under this article, we will share with you all the information about the scheme such as the eligibility criteria, the application procedure, etc. Under this article, we have discussed every detail about the new and recent YSR Navasakam scheme for the year 2019 and 2020.
Table of Contents
Andhra Pradesh YSR Navasakam Scheme
The YSR Navasakam Scheme Is not a proper scheme but it is an initiative that is presented by the Chief Minister of the Andhra Pradesh state. Under the initiative, many schemes will be implemented for the development of the residents of Andhra Pradesh state. This initiative is a step to implement all the schemes which are launched by the YSR government recently. This revolutionary step will confirm the implementation of all the government schemes launched by the government in power.
Important Dates
Given below are the dates on which certain process will be undertaken by the concerned authorities:-
- Scrutiny of applications – December 2th to 7th, 2019
- The Preparation of the Draft List – December 9th, 2019.
- Accepting List – December 10th to 14th, 2019
- Finalization of the beneficiary lists – December 15th to 18th, 2019
- Ending Date – December 20th, 2019
YSR Housing Scheme
Implementation Of YSR Navasakam Scheme
As announced by the concerned authorities the scheme will implement in the following stages:-
- First, the village/ward volunteers will conduct a door-to-door survey until November 30.
- The main motive behind the survey will be to identify all beneficiaries of the schemes.
- Through this Scheme, AP Government will Identify Beneficiary of Seven welfare scheme such as AP YSR Fishermen Bharosa, YSR Netanna Hastam, YSR Zero Interest scheme and Amma Vodi.
- Then, the list of all the identified beneficiaries will be displayed in the village/ward secretariats for social audit.
- Finally, the beneficiaries will select after organising gram sabhas.
- All the eligible will be sanctioned new cards from January 1, 2020.
- The government has decided to provide separate cards for every scheme.
Application Process For The Scheme
There is no specific application procedure for the scheme because this is clearly not a scheme but an initiative to implement other government schemes as announced by the concerned authority of Andhra Pradesh state. So, the survey will conduct from all the residents of the state without any enrollment process.