Tamil Nadu CM Helpline: The Chief Minister of Tamilnadu State has also come up with several helpline numbers which will help the residents of Tamil Nadu state to properly call for emergency services if they are undergoing any problem during the Quarantine period.
In this article today, we will share with you all the important aspects of the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister helpline number which has been launched recently. In this article, we will share with you a list of helpline numbers for your help.
राहुल गांधी का मोबाइल नंबर क्या है
Table of Contents
About Tamil Nadu CM Helpline
The chief minister of Tamil Nadu state has launched all of these helpline numbers so that they can help all of the residents by giving them the availability of all the emergency facilities at their houses. These helpline numbers are of great importance for all the residents of Tamil Nadu State because they will not have to go out of their houses to call for any emergency services such as an ambulance or Police in case of any Mishappening.
Details Of Tamil Nadu CM Helpline
Name | CM Helpline Tamil Nadu |
Launched by | CM Tamil Nadu |
Beneficiaries | Tamil Nadu residents |
Objective | Providing emergency services |
Official Website | https://www.tn.gov.in/ |
Benefits Of CM Helpline Numbers
The main benefits of the implementation of the helpline numbers which has been launched by the chief minister of Tamilnadu State are the availability of emergency services for all of the residents who are incurring any problem in India due to the lockdown in the country which was announced by the Prime Minister of India for a maximum of 21 days. Helpline numbers will be of great importance for all of the people who are locked inside their houses and want to call for emergency services.
Office Details
The office of the chief minister of Tamilnadu state is present in the following locations:-
Office | Address |
Official Residence Address of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister | Veda Nilayam’, 81/36, Poes Garden, Chennai-600 086 |
Chennai Address | “Sevvandhi” No.9, P.S.Kumarasamy Raja Salai, Raja Annamalai Puram, Chennai-600 028 |
Mofussil Address | No.174, J.3, Rajapuram Ist Street, Highways Nagar, Salem, Salem District-636 005 |
Helpline Numbers
The following numbers are provided by the Chief Minister of Tamilnadu State:-
Contact Number of Chief Minister | 044 25672345, 044 25672283 |
Official Mobile Number of Tamil Nadu CM | +91 94431 46857 |
Fax Number | 044 25670930, 044-25671441 |
Telephone Number | 044 24991222 |
Cell Number | +91 94431 46857 |
Official Residence Telephone Number | 044 24661222 |
Chennai Residence Contact Number | 044-2493 6878 |
Chennai Office Phone Number | 044-25672345 |
Mofussil Residence Contact Number | 0427-2446857 |
TN CM Email ID
The important email id in Tamilnadu State is given below in the following table:-
Email Address of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister | [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] |
Twitter Handle
You can also contact your Chief Minister of Tamilnadu State on the official Twitter handle given below:-
Register Grievance through the Website
- To register a grievance, you have to visit the Official Website.
- The applicant will now see the home page of the website.
- Now you have to choose the Lodge Grievance option.
- Login with your Email ID and password.
- Or Click on the New User! Click the Here option and register first.
- And now submit your grievance.
Track Grievance
- To track grievances, you have to visit the Official Website.
- The applicant will now see the home page of the website.
- Hit the Track Grievance button.
- Login with the details.
- The grievance status will open on the display.
Submit Feedback
- To submit feedback, you have to visit the Official Website.
- The applicant will now see the home page of the website.
- Hit the Feedback button.
- This will lead you to a new page.
- Login with the details.
- Now submit the feedback.
Check Nodal Officer List
- To submit feedback, you have to visit the Official Website.
- The applicant will now see the home page of the website.
- Hit the Nodal Officer List button.
- This will lead you to a new page.
- District wise list of nodal officers will open on the screen.
- Click on the district of your choice.
- The Nodal Officer details of the district will appear on the screen in PDF form.
- You can also download the PDF by clicking on the download option.